San Diego Nannies Teach Children Values

San Diego Nannies Teach Children Values

Not only do nannies clean the house and help with homework, but San Diego Nannies teach children values. Nannies are role models, while also teaching and shaping little minds all day. Being a nanny means you have certain characteristics, morals, values, wisdom, and expertise in child care can help parents raise smart, caring, and amazing children. Therefore, having a nanny can help teach your children important values that will follow them into adulthood. Luckily, some character traits seem to be born with our children such as love, kindness, curiosity, creativity, and humor. So, we have created a list of several other values that are important to teach children and fortunately, having a nanny increases the chances of children exhibiting these values early on.

Nannies Teach Children Values

  1. Honesty. Lets face it, sometimes children lie. It’s important teach children the importance of honesty and why lying is wrong. Nannies help parents by extending this value around others instead of just with family.
  2. Generosity. Sharing is caring. Nannies model generosity when they are kind and when they share.
  3. Gratitude. We all want to teach our children to say “please” and “thank you”. San Diego nannies can teach children to show their innate kindness by showing them how to be grateful.
  4. Respect. A child’s respect for their nanny will transgress into their respect for others.
  5. Empathy. Nannies teach empathy by talking to children about their feelings. Connecting one’s behavior to feelings they may have is an important tool to learn at an early age. Fortunately, children have an innate ability to empathize and care for others, so nature is on our side.
  6. Forgiveness. We teach our children to say “sorry” when necessary because it teaches them forgiveness.
  7. Responsibility. Nannies model what responsibility looks like. They also provide structure and a routine that teaches children their own responsibilities. This could involve chores around the house and doing homework.

There are so many more values children learn while growing up into adults. Luckily, there are tons of ways to teach children these values. If you lead by example, children are sure to follow. It is true that we all make mistakes from time to time. What’s important is that you recognize your mistakes. While parents are the main contributors of the values instilled into a child, nannies are a close second. When they spend time with them, help them with homework and chores, when they listen, connect, and inspire, and when they share during playtime, San Diego nannies teach children values that are important everyday. Honestly, it’s one of the perks of being a nanny. It’s no wonder why children with nannies grow up to have wonderful morals.