San Diego Nanny Versus Crying Child

Being a San Diego nanny has its rough days. Children have uncontrollable emotions, and we need to be there to help sort them out. No matter what age the child is, there will most definitely come a time when you will face sudden emotions. At any given moment, that happy, full of excitement and energy child you care for can tear up without any apparent reason. Knowing how to respond to the little one can make all the difference. So, we’ve thought of some tips to help nannies, babysitters, and parents when trying to console a crying child.

3 Tips for responding to a crying child

Tip #1: Sometimes crying doesn’t always mean the child is sad, especially in babies. For infants, crying is their only form of communication. Their tiny tears could mean a variety of different things including hunger, sleepiness, or having a wet diaper (just to name a few). So, always check the basics first and if all is clear, move on to other techniques in hopes to stop the crying.

Tip #2: Stay Calm. A screaming crying child can be stressful but it is important for you as the nanny (or parent) to stay calm during this emotional rollercoaster. If you are stressed, the child will be stressed too. Sit down to their level and do some breathing exercises to help calm the mood.

Tip #3: Listen. Ask them what is wrong and then LISTEN. Don’t try to negotiate or tell them how to solve their problems, just be there. Taking the time to listen to a child and show them you care makes all the difference. Even if they don’t express appreciation to you now, trust us, they will.  Of course, this won’t work on a baby who hasn’t developed the necessary communication skills, but you get what we are saying.

It’s important to show them you are there

Show them you care about their feelings and that you are giving them your attention by listening. Be a pillar of strength for them in this time of need. Support and love them. Hopefully, within the next 5-10 minutes, the crying will suddenly stop and all will be well. Until then, we hope these tips help you with your next emotional ride.

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